Blessed are those who mourn…

Blessed are those who mourn.

Blessed are those who go through all the stages of grief.

Blessed are those who are in denial, but continue the process of grieving, until they are honest enough to get angry.

Blessed are those who are angry, but push forward through their anger until they start trying to find productive solutions.

Blessed are those who bargain, and keep bargaining until they realize their project is beyond hope, and they have to stop.

Blessed are those who sink into depression, bewailing the hopelessness of their state.

Blessed are those who,


They accept the loss, and let it become something beautiful inside of them. They become deeper and richer for it.

These people have truly mourned. And so they will be blessed with true peace.

Any shortcut…staying in denial, suppressing our anger, continuing to try to fight a hopeless fight, telling ourselves to buck up and get over our depression…Any shortcut will not lead to true peace.

Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. (Matthew 5:4 KJV)

By Heidi (Foster) Denherder
Spokane, WA