Sweat, James #1 – 40 Questions

Dear Kelvin and Fellow Laborers,
[Kelvin Naef, Overseer of FL, GA, SC, NC]

I have concerns and questions. I welcome your input. I’m NOT going to ask you to relinquish your authority and step down. I’m starting to understand why God might be keeping you in the places of power.

More on that later.

I’ve struggled with who to send this to. Some topics would be for Kelvin and the other head workers/overseers directly because they would have those answers. Any of the workers could feel free to respond by phone, text, or email. I am open to responses and conversations with friends and workers.

Rather than sit down and ask you direct questions that would lead to an awkward silence, I prefer to give you the questions in advance so you can read, pray, meditate, and research chapter and verse for clarification and bring solid answers to the discussion.

The questions will be numbered as they are interspersed throughout the letter, for ease of reference as we visit about your thoughts on the topics.

You all have received many well-written, deeply researched, concise letters full of facts and documentation. This is going to be more like we are sitting down having a conversation. The topics and questions will bounce around, similar to the thoughts in my head.

I will seek to curb my sarcasm and tendency to point out the absurd and ironic. ~ Curb my sarcasm. ~ Not eliminate it. This is a conversation, after all.

~ Maybe you should read this letter just for the entertainment value.

My wife and I both have extended family members who are currently or previously have been in the work. I have attended over 100 Conventions. Both of our families go back two or three generations of going to meetings. It was not unusual for us to travel 3 or 4 hours to get an additional Special Meeting. We have lived in homes where meetings were held, including our own. I professed over 38 years ago. A lot of our life revolves around going to meetings.

All of that is just to say that we have some history. Yet there is so much we didn’t know and are struggling to understand.

So many things that used to be settled, not up for debate and not to be questioned are now questionable.

Now everything is up for debate and scrutiny.

Now, I’m going back to the basics.

What do I believe?

Why do I believe it?

How does that line up with Scripture?

We have been struggling for months to understand how things have gotten so messed up and been handled so poorly for so long.

1.) How would you describe “Bitter” and “Having a Bad Spirit”?

2.) Does the raw, unfiltered emotion coming from someone who is angry, hurt, and in pain indicate bitterness?

Jesus fashioned a whip, overturned the tables, and chased the money changers out of the temple.

I’m sure all the religious leaders there that day would have thought that Jesus had lost control, was in the wrong, and had a bad spirit.

The religious leaders were actually the ones who were in the wrong, lost, and had a bad spirit.

Jesus took action that day. It’s been real to me lately that there are times for us to act.

3.) Do the soothing words of someone quoting scripture in a calm manner indicate a “Good Spirit”?

We have learned that the most prolific predators are master manipulators. Just like the best scammers and con artists, those who are the most successful are the best manipulators.

4.) Are you hopeful that if you could just suppress those who have spoken out about the crimes in the fellowship, that this would all just quietly go away and be forgotten?

I promise that you have not heard from most folks who are not okay with how things have been handled.

This is the first time you have heard anything from me. I have been in conversations with people all over this continent who do not find it acceptable – but have not yet stood up and announced it.

The brave souls who have reached out to you overseers and workers, have taken GREAT personal risk of losing the respect and fellowship of friends and family (for having the audacity to question the workers). Risking it because they are willing to do what they can to clean up the fellowship and continue to serve God in a safe environment.

They are moved by Love.

When these Warriors for God’s Kingdom are met with stonewalling, threats, and removal of “privileges”, it shows we are not being lead with integrity.

The overseers who seem to be hoping that this blows over without becoming widely known are going to force it to become National and International News.

When that happens the retired folks will be able to do whatever they want to do.

But people who still must work for a living are going to have to quickly decide if their job will require them to publicly be excommunicated.

Someone could ask why that would have to be, when Catholics didn’t have to leave when the stories broke about the priests molesting children.

Many Catholics only go to church a few times a year and they never have the priest staying in their home overnight.

That’s quite a bit different than financially supporting what will be portrayed as a cult of sexual predators whose leaders and ministers stay in your home.

It’s hard to make that look OK.

Many parts of the country are seeing the overseers and workers getting folks together at open meetings for discussion, to hear concerns etc….

In our region that is not the case and it’s unfortunate that the letter we received was lame, lacking and really said nothing.

If you didn’t already know what was going on, you could still not know why you had even received the July 7th letter.

To paraphrase:

You may have heard something about nothing.

We’re sorry that you’ve heard anything.

If you would like to discuss what you heard let us know and we will arrange for the crisis team to meet with you.

Please don’t talk to the friends or other workers.

The crisis team has the talking points prepared to address your concerns. And they also have the authority that if your concerns are not alleviated, then you can be dismissed from fellowship.

We don’t want gatherings; we don’t want witnesses. This is one on one with the crisis team.

Of course, that’s a lot of paraphrasing, but that’s exactly what I got out of it.

It is obvious this was an attempt to pacify those who were not happy about the lack of action and accountability, while at the same time NOT ALERTING anyone who didn’t already know what was going on.

A vague reference to abuse didn’t seem alarming. That part was successful.

Obviously, holding a meeting would risk some of the uninformed showing up and learning what was going on.

Can’t have that!

The Dean Bruer crimes didn’t become known for several months after his death. Clearly, those who knew preferred to keep another crime spree hidden from the friends and the authorities.

It was the work of the Holy Spirit – guiding responsive hearts to disclose the facts. Beginning the time of learning and healing from unfathomable things.

5.) What have you learned from the Dean Bruer fiasco?

I don’t mean details about his crimes and attacks, or how it would have been better for you if he covered his tracks, maybe utilizing some technology designed to do so.

6.) Do you believe guidelines and policies are a waste of time? Criminals don’t follow laws, guidelines, or Scripture.

These two questions are related.

There has been some effort to create and implement CSA Child Sexual Abuse and SA Sexual Abuse guidelines and policies.

What I have noticed of the policies so far is a focus on how quickly a perpetrator can be put back in a meeting.

The policies are VERY Predator-Focused, and not at all focused on the victims, or the prevention of crimes.

The thing that we’ve been told about the Dean Bruer fiasco is that he was a prolific predator for decades and he fooled the entire ministry.

He fooled (groomed) the entire ministry, AND the friends, AND the elders.

We’ve been told that no one knew. (Other than the victims)

7.) How can the same ministry that has been fooled repeatedly by predators for years and years, think that they – or the elders – or some of the friends – or anyone – can sit down

  1. n accomplished criminal and come to the correct conclusion if this person is safe or not?

Clearly, the ministry has NO ABILITY WHATSOEVER to determine who is or is not safe to be around in meeting or otherwise.

The track record is a disaster.

In some of the new guidelines, the workers, or the elders, or a combination, or maybe a vote of the friends in an area, or a meeting – are deciding if a predator is safe to return to meeting.

Dean Bruer proves to us – by fooling the entire ministry, over the course of decades – that NOT a single worker is qualified to determine if a predator is safe to return to meeting. (I want to write this in ALL! CAPS! With exclamation marks after every word! But I will just quietly and humbly submit this message to you)

Not a single worker is qualified – because a prolific predator groomed and fooled the entire ministry for decades. (Where was the guidance of the Spirit?)

The elders are not qualified to determine if a predator is safe to return to meetings.

The friends are not qualified to determine if a predator is safe to return to meetings.

It is Naïve at Best, and Horribly Dangerous and Reckless and Foolish for the overseers to think that they are qualified to make ANY of these decisions.

8.) How are the sheep supposed to trust those whose duty is to protect them when the failures have been so extreme?

The most successful predators are just like the best of any con-men or criminals.

The best ones have magnetic personality and charm. They are friendly, charismatic, and outgoing, and people love them. They are easy to listen to, they are engaging and dynamic speakers, GROOMING and GASLIGHTING come naturally to them. People love to listen to them.

When I say “people” I include myself. I have been mesmerized by some of these perpetrators. There are pages in my notebooks from conventions that only have the name and initial verses. Nothing else was written because these perpetrators are CAPTIVATING SPEAKERS.

They are manipulative and devious, and they have talent in spades. Confidence and smooth, suave character.

They appeal to our human nature in every form.

They are master manipulators.

They are constantly GROOMING everyone. Victims, parents, friends, workers. All Groomed.

They also wield power and authority like crushing weapons.

And they are successful as con-men, and as predators for years and years, because their natural ability is so pervasive.

How do people think that a worker or an elder or some of the friends are going to be able to unmask the heart of an experienced con and predator?

It is foolishness.

Predators don’t change, that is a statistical fact!

9.) Why is SA sexual assault eliminated from the Florida regional guidelines?

I would hope that no one felt the need to eliminate that from the guidelines – just in case in the future – they need to be able to point to the guidelines and say “Oh well this didn’t involve a child – and adult sexual assault isn’t part of our guidelines…”

It does not look good. It’s possibly nefarious. Avoiding accountability or responsibility.

Yes, I understand that guidelines really mean nothing.

Criminals don’t follow laws, guidelines, or Scripture.

We have a Bible, and even people who’ve never opened the Bible are clear on CSA and SA being wrong on a basic level.

Criminals in prison are not thought of very highly and would be considered as a lower level of society, and yet they understand the nature of pedophiles, child molesters and rapists.

10.) How is it possible that there could be division over the subject of protecting men, women, and children from rape and sexual abuse?

I don’t think anyone with functioning thought capacity would question that rape and molestation are wrong.

They don’t need guidelines, don’t even need a law. It’s just a basic understanding of human dignity and decency.

11.) Why are divorced and remarried not allowed to take part in meeting when pedophiles are rushed back into meetings with full privileges, sometimes even being appointed as the elder?

Divorce is not a crime. Are you struggling to determine if rape and molestation are crimes? There’s a difference between “Failings” and “Crimes”.

12.) What is the primary job of a worker?

The purpose of a shepherd is to protect the sheep, so that they may feed in peace. That’s the primary job of a shepherd, to protect the sheep. (Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and workers are supposed to be stewards of the Shepherd, do I have this correct?)

Jesus told Peter, repeatedly, “Feed my lambs and feed my sheep.”

Other verses about the sheep make it clear that to feed, protect and care for the sheep are directions from the Lord.

The wolf is not afraid of sheep, even in great numbers.

The wolf must be driven out, fought and/or destroyed by the shepherd/steward.

That’s the only way to save the sheep from the wolf.

Anyone refusing to fight for the sheep does not show the heart of the shepherd.

13.) How can we ignore the cries for help from the sheep?

14.) How do you define the “Hireling”?

The simple definition of a hireling is: someone who is paid a wage.

But the most powerful definition of the hireling is someone who does NOT have a Love and Care for the sheep in their time of need.

It’s not about the money, it’s about the LACK of Love and Care for the sheep.

A worker, supposedly a shepherd, had numerous sexual misconduct allegations against him over the course of decades.

How long did it take for that perpetrator to be removed from meetings?

He was still preaching in gospel meetings in the spring of 2023 when things started to blow up, and at that point was no longer being invited to speak in gospel meeting – as a shepherd to the sheep.

The wolf in shepherd’s clothing. With the blessing and apparent endorsement of the top-ranking head worker/overseer – as a spiritual leader.

Really? That is worse than just a dumb idea.

I am struggling to have this make sense.

It makes no sense to me at all.

Sure, he’s a captivating speaker, but what message are you sending?!?!

If it was an isolated incident that a wolf in shepherds clothing was allowed to continue impersonating a shepherd, then it could be seen as a horrible lapse in judgment.

And the overseer, or overseers – plural, who allowed that to continue should immediately acknowledge a dereliction of duty to protect the sheep.

There should be an immediate apology in the strongest of language and a willingness to step down and let someone else, with the heart of a shepherd, protect the sheep.

However, if this is not an isolated incident, then this is a sign of a systemic problem of great magnitude that a mere apology is NOT sufficient to correct.

15.) Have the other overseers spoken out against this horrible lapse in judgment?

Almost a year later, the fact remains that the leadership who has a history of protecting the predators, have yet to address the current problems with anything other than nice words and platitudes.

A truly remorseful heart would immediately step down and acknowledge the dereliction of duty to protect the innocent and allow someone else to step in and restore trust and accountability to that position.

Anytime someone was moved after an allegation – without warning everyone who was left behind – and without warning everyone where that person might go in the future – put innocents at risk and it is unacceptable.

None of the overseers who have knowingly moved alleged perpetrators have done anything more than say Oops my bad. But not really my bad. Not bad enough to do anything other than say nice things, sorry that we got caught doing this.

It is not right, and it is not acceptable.

It is not in the power of the street-level workers – no matter how good their heart is, how convicted they are, how strongly they feel regret and remorse for things that they did not even do (but they are associated with it). It does not matter the outpouring from their heart, the cry of their heart, the care and concern that they have for God’s people, and for His sheep, and for the innocent people and the children…

It does not matter how much they care or how right their heart is. Because they have no power to institute anything that resembles real change. (Unless they band together)

The only change that we know at this point is that the friends and the street-level workers now understand that instead of calling the workers when there’s an allegation or a problem, they need to call the authorities.

That’s it. That’s the only change that we know – that the friends and the street-level workers who have no authority will call the police when there is an allegation of wrongdoing.

The upper tier leadership, the overseers, have yet to prove remorse by relinquishing power.

The higher-ranking workers have the authority – and must use it – to protect the sheep – or else it calls into question “WHY would they rather protect the predators?”!

16.) How many crimes are being committed by the overseers and head workers who move a predator to another field?

17.) Do you understand that EVERY TIME a predator is moved around, several additional crimes are committed?

18.) Do you feel that hiding behind “They haven’t been convicted yet, so technically not a “Sexual Predator”” is sufficient reasoning from a moral standpoint?

When an event is known, not reported, and the attacker is moved to another location and no warning is given to the new pool of potential victims, here are some crimes likely committed by the overseer protecting the predator.

Aiding and Abetting. Concealment of a Crime. Failure to Report.

Sex Trafficking, Witness Tampering, sometimes with Threats, Coercion, and Intimidation.

New area victims not warned: Concealment, Misrepresentation, Reckless Endangerment.

Some of those may be hard to prove in a court of law, but they are clearly moral failures that indicate a lack of care for others.

It seems like we are living in the parable of the good Samaritan.

There are those who, because of their place, power, and position, you would expect to give aid, care, and comfort to the wounded in distress.

Is that what we are witnessing?

Hardly ever.

What we are witnessing is those who have Power, Position, Place, the Privilege, and the Responsibility of giving Care and Comfort and Love to those in need are instead criticizing the victims, blaming the victims in some cases, not even believing when the victim says they are hurt.

And in many instances, those who are in positions of authority Attack and Criticize the Good Samaritans for offering help to the injured! It is outrageous!

19.) Do you think what we are witnessing is the example that Jesus had in mind for those that he sent with the direction to feed His sheep?

20.) How many workers have been kicked out, or placed on the “Resting” list, because they act like a Good Samaritan and have the heart of a true shepherd?

Some are asking, “Do you support this ministry?”

My question is, “Are you referring to a ministry that protects the sheep, or that protects the wolves?”

I have recently learned that there was a purge in 1999 in Alberta Canada, and I need to research this more.

The story goes that the workers would call you on the phone and ask a yes or no question.

“Do you support this ministry?”

They did not want to have a discussion; they did not want to hear your thoughts or your reasonings.

It was a yes or no question. If you said “No” and tried to elaborate – that was the end of the conversation – you were out.

Kicked out of the faith.

Kicked out of meetings.

Kicked out of fellowship.

On the outside.

Is the real question, “Do you worship the workers more than you worship the Son of God?”

That should be a simple answer for everyone.

And a true shepherd who is pointing the way to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ Himself, would NOT want to be worshiped.

It’s in the New Testament. It was not unusual for people to go beyond respect for the apostles and want to worship them.

And it is left on record for us that they did NOT allow it.

A recent testimony mentioned those who had broken away from the vine and become corrupted.

By vine, they meant “Meetings”, not Jesus, who is the True Vine.

So those who left meetings because of “faithful servants” who have committed crimes (that have been covered up by other “faithful servants”) are seen as being corrupt for not tolerating and being complicit in those crimes and coverups?!

Who is corrupt?

The criminals must be so proud!

This highlights the challenge that we face in the fellowship today.

Every Godly person hates the crimes that have taken place. And hates the cover-up and endangering others, recklessly; and the lack of love, the lack of compassion, the lack of caring for God’s children, and all of humanity.

We hate those things – and yet – we fear the repercussions of standing up to those who have protected predators.

Why do we fear those repercussions?

Because the threat is clear: If you rock the boat and are dismissed from meetings, not going to meeting is the same as going to hell.

It doesn’t have to be written in our unwritten rule book, because it is written in our hearts and our minds and our memories.

Not going to meeting equals going to hell. You dare not risk getting kicked out of meeting just because the leadership is complicit and tolerant of criminal activity.

21.) What are your thoughts on Exclusivity?

Exclusivity seems dangerous because people will endure every kind of horror on this earth to escape eternal torment.

We heard that a message from the platform at Metter convention was that you must obey the workers.

I wonder if he mentioned what chapter and verse that is from?

I think you will find it expounded on in the Book of Dale, chapter Alberta, verse 1999.

In that book and chapter and verse, we learn the directive that you must obey the workers – even when they are wrong.

That is a most preposterous thing!

Only a flagrant heathen would say such a thing out loud.

Obviously, the Book of Dale is not in the Bible that we read.

In the Bible that we read there is no statement that you must obey the workers even when they are wrong.

There are numerous places in the scripture that clearly state that you should not fall under the spell of the person, or the personality, the power, the place, the position, the popularity, the charisma, or the influence of anyone who would cloak their words in enticing garments to get you to believe a lie.

You must be aware of the danger of falling prey and being fooled to get you to believe a lie.

Numerous verses in the scripture tell you to Beware. Do not be fooled, and do not believe lies.

I think that means Dale, Alberta, 1999 is false.

And that means the message at Metter was based on a false premise.

Not all the overseers are falling perfectly in line.

22.) Is there a process to remove an overseer? Or is this another case of “You didn’t hire me; you can’t fire me.”?

Does it take a vote of two out of the big three, or do all three have to agree?

Or does it fall to a simple majority of all the overseers?

John 14:6 KJV ~ Jesus saith, I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Some say, there is a way, called the truth, which leads to life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by meeting.

If you read each of those out loud, they sound similar, but they have entirely different meanings.

And only one of those is scriptural.

23.) Regarding the people who lived and died in North and South America during the thousands of years before the workers came here from Europe – did they all go to a lost eternity because they didn’t have the opportunity to hear the workers preach in a gospel meeting?

24.) Do you believe the Living Witness Doctrine – that the workers preaching the gospel are the doorway to heaven?

25.) Did Jesus bring a New Covenant?

26.) Are the workers the intermediaries between man and God?

The priests in the Old Testament went into the temple, and the high priest went into the inner sanctum to be closer to God. Is the worker and overseer hierarchy of today similar; the higher up the ladder you are, the better access you have to God?

27.) Do you agree that when people continue to come to meetings, gospel meetings, special meetings, and convention, that it indicates they are accepting what has happened and how it has been handled and will continue on, as if everything is okay?

28.) Do you believe the “Falling Away” refers to people who quit coming to meeting?

Can you help me to understand if the falling away is in connection with an event? Some scriptures indicate that a religious leader, who could even deceive the very elect of God, then sets himself up as God and causes a falling away of those who follow.

Stepping away from criminal coverup in meetings is not the same as turning away from God.

Many folks have not lost faith or stepped away from God, but rather they have been unable to tolerate learning what was happening and not being able to do anything about it. They are asking, “How can we give the appearance of supporting perpetrators and predators?”

It’s a bit disconcerting to contemplate where we are in the timeline of scripture, and I need to study more about the falling away, and the things that could deceive even God’s elect.


Do not be deceived.

There are many warnings in the Bible. Beware, Beware, Beware.

God’s people read their Bibles; how could they be fooled?

Only by someone who seemed so righteous and said the right things in the right way to be believable.

We’re not likely to be fooled by the red-faced fire-breathing being with horns, spouting foolishness.

But we might be fooled by an “upstanding”, soft-spoken, manipulative person who is setting out to deceive God’s people. Because our guard would be down – and we would be in trust mode – we could just believe what this Person says – who is appealing to our heart and our nature.

That’s the danger! Do not be deceived.

Study the portions of scripture that say to Beware.

29.) Is the focus on the WAY we worship, or WHO we worship?

30.) Do you think the scenario of the woman taken in adultery is teaching about compassion and forgiveness and an example of how predators should be treated?

The topic of forgiveness is often brought up. Ira Hobbs is being investigated for a brutal rape of a sister worker. He recently sent a letter out denying everything. It was so outrageous that the overseer in his area quickly sent a letter denouncing the lies in Ira’s letter, confirming that an investigation is still ongoing.

Ira and other predators are not asking for forgiveness. They are so accustomed to prevailing over others that they do not even admit to their crimes until the evidence is overwhelming. Then the “godly”, “repentant”, “full of compassion and mercy” manipulator shows up pleading with tear-filled eyes and a calculating heart.

It is a repulsive show of manipulation, grooming and gaslighting.

The predators often will not even acknowledge any wrongdoing. They are in no way remorseful when they do not even admit their wrongdoing.

They are not asking for forgiveness. There is no repentance. There is no acknowledgment of their wrongdoing.

There are hymns that I don’t think I can ever sing again. Specifically, they are in the “Submission” sections.

I don’t know if they were written by predators, but there is no doubt in my mind that they have been used by predators to persuade, influence, and control their victims.

If you are feeling some outrage – that I could think the edifying words of love and service to the Lord have been misused in such a horrific way – then you can begin to understand how angry folks are that the Scriptures of the Bible have been twisted and used to control and manipulate people for the sexual benefit of perpetrators.

It’s infuriating, isn’t it?

31.) Do you take comfort in the fact that the number of Convicted Perpetrators is miniscule compared to the number of allegations?

Many of the overseers take great comfort that accused (and even admitted) perpetrators are not technically “sexual predators” because they have not been convicted and labeled as such, legally.

MOST victims never report.


We have learned of so many this past year, that are survivors of sexual abuse. People close to us, and we had no idea. Many of these stories are not public. They are not in any database. Some are, but many are not and may never be.

Do you take comfort in that?

32.) How do you determine what is a “Credible Allegation”?

Consider this scenario: Worker molests a child while staying in the home overnight. In the morning, the child doesn’t want to go to breakfast. Just wants to get ready for school. The reality could be they don’t want to sit at the table with the person who abused them, but saying “I don’t feel like eating breakfast today” isn’t much of a red flag, is it?

33.) Is the parent remiss for not picking up on the potential problem?

What if that evening, or the next morning, when the workers are gone, the child tells the parents what happened?

Is there any way to prove anything?

Let’s rewind. What if at breakfast the morning after the sexual assault, the child blurted out what happened?

Is there any evidence available even right after the molestation?

Assume the child is believed, the worker denies it, and the parent calls the police immediately.

Are they sending a crime scene investigator to look for evidence? Not likely.

And what would they find if there had not been an exchange of bodily fluids?

Some cases would have a lot of physical evidence that existed for a period of time; but other cases would have hardly any evidence at all. Maybe a stray hair somewhere?

34.) What kind of organization rules through threats, coercion, and intimidation?

The clear threat to any workers who break ranks is painfully obvious and highly effective.

You either fall in line and do as you were told, or you will be Put Out – Penniless, Jobless, and Homeless.

That is an extreme amount of pressure!

Throw on top of that the idea that you either go to meeting or you go to Hell, and you have the highest level of coercion and intimidation over someone that another human being could hold.

The message has been received loudly and clearly amongst the ranks of workers that they will fall in line, or they will be put out.

Rogue dictatorships and criminal enterprises can threaten to ruin someone’s life, or even kill you. Threatening to kick someone out of the work, or out of meetings, essentially damning them to hell, is beyond the threats of the most ruthless organizations.

While still alive, what to do for employment with decades of a blank résumé in the job world?

The ability to calmly maintain the narrative, in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence, would be a great asset as a political spokesperson. That gives the head workers and overseers some options. Street-level workers, not so much. They haven’t perfected that skill.

It disturbs our peace that every time a worker steps up to the microphone, we must wonder how deeply they are involved in the coverup of crimes.

35.) How can we determine which workers have the heart of a shepherd and are safe to listen to, and which ones are complicit in the crimes and coverups of moving predators from one field to another?

Two groups are simple:

a.) The head workers/overseers who made the decisions are obviously untrustworthy by their actions.

b.) The workers who have left the work or been kicked out (or put on the ‘Resting” list) for speaking out on behalf of the wounded flock are obviously some of the good ones that we would be interested in hearing in meetings. But they are no longer allowed to speak to us.

That leaves the active workers and the conundrum for the friends: Which workers are the good ones? Which ones have a true heart but know if they speak out, they will be dismissed? And which ones are complicit – going along like everything is fine and ignoring the crimes?

The well-intentioned workers who fail to speak up are enablers who are allowing the guilty ones to continue putting others at risk.

Until I can understand how to tell the difference, I’m not comfortable attending Convention, Special Meeting or even Gospel Meetings – knowing that Active Grooming is taking place in these situations.

I am not interested in subjecting myself to the Gaslighting, Manipulation and Active Grooming that is taking place from the platform.

If you do not think that there was active grooming taking place at Bushnell, then it is proof of how highly effective that it is.

I’m not saying that everyone who did it understood what was happening. Repeating the phrases that have been used so successfully by the highly manipulative groomers only reinforces those messages.

Doing so from the platform gives it the legitimacy of the gospel.

A related observation: There was more “worker worship” at Bushnell 2023 than the other 100 conventions I have attended all combined.

It is not scriptural. It is dangerous.

We are not to worship the workers.

We are not to worship a way, or “the way”, or a system, a process, meetings, or a form of worship.

We are to worship the God of heaven, our creator, our God, and Father; and his Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, the Lamb of sacrifice, our elder brother, the example set for us to follow.

We need to grow a relationship with the God of heaven and his Son, not be focused on worshiping humans, or the manner in which they want us to live.

The Seneca overseers’ meeting was highly anticipated. We all hoped for a sign that things would start to head in the right direction.

The Seneca letter says six times “We stand united.”

That’s what stood out the most to me from that letter.

We stand united. We stand committed to nice words and platitudes.

Presumably, all the head workers/overseers were there and a couple of sister workers, and a couple of married couples.

And they all stand united, which means no one is going to stand up to the current leadership, and say what has happened is not acceptable, and must be rectified. If you truly do have remorse and regret for the failings, and how you handled things in the past, the only decent thing you can do is step down and acknowledge your dereliction of duty.

Relinquish the control that appeals so strongly to your human nature, take the blinders off, and admit you messed up repeatedly and put innocent people at risk repeatedly. Repeatedly. Repeatedly.

36.) Do we shun those who quit coming to meetings because of the potential for dangerous influence, to avoid being guilty by association, or because of a Lack of Love and Concern?

37.) What about “Guilty by Association”?

The head workers who have not actively protected predators by moving them to another field – are attending the secretive overseers’ meetings where moving predators is being discussed. There are records of the highest-ranking head workers/overseers knowingly moving criminals to other parts. How is it possible that all the head workers are not complicit when they attend the secretive meetings where these things are discussed?

38.) How do those in authority close their eyes to the extreme dereliction of duty and damage that they have done?

Just a few platitudes and no real change other than let’s put the responsibility on the street-level workers and the parents. Let’s ignore that those who had the authority – and the knowledge to do something – did nothing when they could.

January 27, 2024, BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation, broke the story about another Professing Pedophile Preacher.

There will be those each time these stories break (like 60 Minutes Australia and the stories in The Daily Mail and Daily Dot) who incorrectly will think that this is the time for them to endure.

They will hunker down, stick their head in the sand, plug their ears, and feel like they are doing the right thing because the scripture says tribulation will come, and there will be persecution for the gospel’s sake.

This is NOT suffering for righteousness!

This is suffering for crimes and years of criminal cover-up.

Robert Corfield, ex-minister of secretive sect, admits to child sex abuse (bbc.com)

Former members of ultra-secretive Christian ‘cult’ Two by Twos lay bare heinous abuse within the underground sect – accusing the group of harboring sexual predators while allowing them to prey on underage victims | Daily Mail Online

Inside the Online Reckoning of Underground Church Two by Twos (dailydot.com)

‘Exposing the Two By Two Church’ – 60 Minutes Australia Two by Two Coverage (youtube.com)

Unfortunately, these news reports are just getting started. And even though these are international news outlets, they are NOT considered major news media by Americans.

It will be major news for Americans when it gets to the point that your coworkers are asking, “Is your group part of the pedo-people I saw on the news?”

The ostriches just want to stick their heads in the sand and ignore what is going on. I understand. This is the eleventh month since the DB fiasco story became known to us, and I am just now addressing it openly.

Genocides like the Holocaust and other crimes occur because most people just watch it happen and refuse to stand up or speak out.

It is easier to ignore things.

For a while. Sort of.


Actually, No.

It is not.

I cannot ignore the things that are unacceptable.

Many good people are just walking past the injured on the other side of the street. Not wanting to get involved or even acknowledge their existence.

Many other good people have stepped up like Good Samaritans – and I am raising my voice with theirs.

My voice is weak, and I wish more of the stronger ones were speaking up.

I come from a long line of broken homes, broken marriages, broken lives, and broken hearts.

Why do I feel compelled to put myself at risk of ridicule, rejection, and ire?

You have received stronger letters than this, from better people than me, and it hasn’t changed anything.

People who love the Lord have lots of questions and concerns.

39.) How quickly can someone be removed from the work, or from meeting, if they question the narrative that everything is fine? Apparently, lightning fast.

40.) Why is falling in line with the leadership and not questioning what has obviously been handled horribly more important than protecting the sheep?

Some folks I have known for decades were Kicked Out of Meetings – For ADVOCATING for a victim of sexual assault by a brother worker. Really?!?! That is horrible and unacceptable.

Some of the workers have been kicked out because of questioning how things have been handled and they want to protect the sheep.

Some of the friends have quit coming to meetings because they can’t be seen as complicit.

Some of the workers have left the work because they are not in alignment with how poorly the overseers and the leadership have handled things and don’t want to appear complicit.

Conventions have been canceled or moved to other locations because of an unwillingness by the workers to abide by guidelines set forth by the property owners; or as a punishment for someone who has the GALL to question the narrative and the leadership of the head workers/overseers, who have clearly failed in their duty to protect the sheep.

Friends and workers and meetings and conventions all in a state of flux and disarray, because of how poorly things have been handled, and yet there are those in authority – those with power – who don’t see a problem?

They don’t see a crisis?

Their vision is clouded. Their judgement is questionable.

This is where you might expect me to demand that the overseers step down.

There was a time I thought the only way the workers could maintain credibility was for that to happen, and I hoped it would.

However, people that I have spoken with are reading their Bible and praying more earnestly than ever before. They are digging deeply into the Scripture to see what it really says.

Being confronted with such horrible crimes, and the criminal coverup and reckless endangerment; the lack of love, care, and concern that we have seen exposed this past year, has folks seeking to gain understanding of God’s heart.

We are not talking about simple indiscretions or moral failings, as some have called them.

We are talking about CRIMES.

Often heinous crimes, that have been COMPOUNDED many times over when the head workers knowingly and willingly commit numerous additional crimes to move the perpetrators to a different field.

Workers have PREVENTED people from attending meeting, or taking part in meeting, taking the emblems, or being baptized – based on the length of their hair, the way that they dress or talk, for participating in sports at school, listening to the radio or watching TV; and at the same time Heinous Crimes are being committed by the people who look right, dress right, have their hair done in an acceptable way and who say nice words and quote scripture in a calm voice .

The emphasis on outward appearances while the inside is rotten to the core is beyond comprehension. However, it IS described in the scriptures for us to take warning!

I said that I was not going to ask the head workers and overseers to step down.

When this first came out, I was hopeful that decency would prevail, and that those who had regrettably protected criminals and endangered the sheep would realize the only way that all the workers could maintain any credibility is if the guilty ones stepped aside and gave up their authority and place and position and power.

As time went by, it became apparent that the only way humanly possible that they would give up power is to be led away in handcuffs for Failure to Report. But even that doesn’t do it, does it?

I have concluded that they may be right when they say it’s God’s will that they are in those positions. God wanted the truth to be told and the facts to be exposed to turn us from following humans and to follow Jesus.

People are reading their Bibles, praying, and searching the scripture more deeply than they ever have before. They are seeking the Lord, and His guidance.

We are dumbfounded. To be following men who have gone so far off the acceptable path, while wielding rules – with no scriptural basis – like weapons of war. We have no choice but to seek the God of all heaven. Getting to know his Son better than we ever have, and pleading for the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit, because we know that we need His help.

Every day that those who have committed crimes and covered up for crimes remain in authority, it causes people to ask God, “How can this be?” And it drives people to turn away from the criminals and draw closer to the God of heaven for understanding.

It shows the dangers of worshipping humans – because mankind has failed miserably.

Maybe that is His plan.

I don’t have the answers, just lots of questions and concerns.

I’m interested in good counsel.

How will you respond?

When would you like to talk?

With great concern,

James “Jim” Sweat
Stuart, Florida USA
February 2024.