God of Variety

Our God is a God of Variety. 

“The God of Creation showed us much of His character in the infinite beauty, variety, harmony, color and dances in His universe; vast, beyond all measure. Try to find two leaves exactly the same! Try to find two snowflakes exactly the same. Every eye pattern and fingerprint is so unique that none of us has a double. Every face and hair quality is unique.

Our God, the Creator is one of great variety. He has made us all so different that no one should ever be bored with humdrums. We will never tie God down to our little plots and schemes. 

God is not honored by cookie cutter performance rituals. Each person is wonderfully unique. We are not puppets or robots. We are not to be as dead things that move only by another’s manipulative control.”
(Source: Canadian ex-worker ex-2×2 Sharon Hargreaves, deceased)

Consider these different varieties that God has created:

Trees, leaves, grass, flowers, shrubs
Plants, food, nuts, berries, fruits, vegetables, spices
Animals, fish, birds, insects (with countless types within species)
Weather, climates, snowflakes, hail, clouds, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis  
Land, terrain, mountains, plains, valleys, desert, ice, islands, caves
Water, waterfalls, streams, rivers, oceans
People, races, fingerprints, heights, builds, hair color;
Facial distinctions: eyebrows, eyes, noses, chins, mouths, ears, forehead, neck, skin
Sounds, voices, songs, noises, echoes, (animal, human, weather)
Scents, aromas, smoke, fire
Tastes, flavors
Etc., etc., etc. Ad infinitum! 

What more can you add to this list of God’s varieties?

SURELY, our great God would not restrict His universal love and message of salvation to only a few who learn about him through a few particular ministers who meet in a few particular homes!

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. (Psalm 139:14 KJV)

Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised, And His greatness is unsearchable. (Psalm 145:3)