Making sense of the two and two Ministry

Where does the two and two ministry fit into God’s changing, yes changing methods of interacting with his creation?

This short essay looks at ministry with particular attention to timelines, changing covenants, ministry audience and message contents. The focus will be scriptural, and from the last prophet John the Baptist to the ministry of grace.

The timeline of events is critically important. There is a particular order of events that is laid out within scripture that have consequences for ministry.  So how has so much confusion arisen about ministry and what should be the expected current mode of ministry?


-We are not Jews.

-We are Gentiles

-We are living in the last days (time period post the physical life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ on and from the earth)

From the prophet John the Baptist to the Apostles and seventy going two and two to the Jews, to the Apostles and disciples being anointed with the Holy Spirit, ministry evolved rapidly.  Subsequently all the Apostles died, and the Apostles (ie the twelve) were no more. The Holy Spirit is what remains to this day. Any believer of faith in the Gospel of grace, is enabled to share with others, the same gift of salvation in Jesus that they themselves have received. Jesus said I will be with you (in the person of the Holy Spirit) until the end of the age.

The two and two ministry had a very particular place in history. It was instigated by Jesus in person here on earth. The details of this ministry are clearly recorded and were fulfilled in total by the twelve apostles and the subsequent seventy that Jesus sent in this manner. This ministry completed its goals sometime prior to Jesus being put to death. It is important to note that that the two and two ministry was established under the old covenant and only ever directed to Jews. The message it carried was not salvation for all mankind through the Gospel of grace. It simply couldn’t be, because Jesus had not yet died.

Ministry to the Gentiles – US

While a small number of individuals who are Gentile’s encountered Jesus here on earth and were saved, the ministry to the Gentiles as a whole was not fully established until its recording in the book Acts.

Distinct events occurred that each in their own way established a clear progression to a new ministry that would proclaim the Gospel of grace, the new covenant, new eternal high priesthood of Jesus Christ, and presence of God the Holy Spirit in and with all believers. The avenue for all mankind, both Jew and Gentile was opened for all to hear the Gospel. All things became new.

The new covenant came into force with the death of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary. The veil of the temple was rent in twain. While the new covenant was in force from this pivotal moment, the message and means to deliver the message were not yet in place.

Jesus remained on earth, although in a different manner, after his resurrection and in person sent ministry to all the world. Preach to all the world or to all nations. These scriptures are sparse, and deliberately so. Unlike the two and two ministry which echoes the law in terms of its audience, rigid structure and prescriptive methodology, the ministry that Jesus sends post resurrection is in line with the new free life accomplished in Christ. Believers are no longer under the law but under grace.

The Apostles did not seem to initially grasp the opening of the Gospel to all nations – Jews and Gentiles.

Jesus subsequently ascended to heaven, meanwhile the Apostles were instructed to wait for the gifting of the Holy Spirit which Jesus had promised.

This was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit became present in and with the believers and began a work that brought Peter to the place of accepting the good news could also be preached to and accepted by Gentiles. Paul was also miraculously converted by Jesus himself speaking to him and sent to the Gentile people.

By this point the two and two ministry mission to the Jews prior to Jesus death is a long way in the rear-view mirror and the limited message and audience from that mission is well and truly superseded.

The landscape of ministry had been completely changed. The message that must now be preached is different and is utterly transformative given the events that have transpired.

The finished work of the Son of God, Jesus the Christ, was now accomplished. Direct access to God was opened completely to anyone in what is spectacularly described by Paul as the new and living way. Salvation, the gift of the Gospel of grace was now available to anyone and everyone who, by faith, accepted this priceless gift. The priesthood was dismantled by Jesus himself becoming the eternal great high priest. The Holy Spirit was granted to dwell in and with all those who believed.

So, who could speak the message of the Gospel of Grace? Any believer! The believer themselves bore witness along with the Holy Spirit which combined to form a witness of two.

Yes, there were still Apostles and disciples preaching in Acts and some still even SOMETIMES went two together. It was probably a matter of convenience, security or simple companionship but was in no way a strict requirement for true ministry.

There was ZERO instruction from God, Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit, either by revelation or otherwise recorded in scripture that they MUST do so.

Acts records Apostles, disciples and ordinary believers all sharing the Gospel. Acts also gives numerous examples of different men going ALONE to spread the good news of the Gospel of grace.

February 25, 2025