What 2x2s Say about Why Some Left…and…What Ex-2x2s Say about Why They Left
The following excerpts were said about, or directly to people who have departed from the 2×2 church by 2x2s:
They lost out
They were offended
They believed “that history stuff”
They are apostates
They were unwilling
They were rebellious
They loved the world
They got mixed up with the internet lies
They never got the revelation
They didn’t have a good understanding (parable of seed which sprang up and withered in the sun)
They didn’t get it
They never got it
They married outside
They wanted to remarry after divorce
They had differences in doctrine
They were too religious
They wanted to their their own way
They got caught up with the world
They know this way is right
We are praying that your eyes will be opened
They wanted to start their own church
They wanted to do their own thing
They’ll be back when they find out that there is nothing better
“They went out from us because they were not of us” (quoting 1 John 2:19)
They didn’t love the truth
They got puffed up
They know this Way is right, but…
They didn’t have the right Spirit
They found it was just too hard
They lost their way
They nibbled the cheese
They loved the world more than the Lord
They lost heart
They let education go to their head
They never learned to submit
Their love waxed cold
They fell away
They lost their vision
They took their eyes off the Lord
“These things” took him/her away
X took them out of the Lord’s favor
Their heart was hardened
They’ve been reading the lies on the internet
They got bitter
They were too weak
They were too headstrong
They were taken in by false religion
They are unGodly people
They left what they know is God’s only Truth and Way
They turned aside.
What Ex2x2s say about Why we Left:
The following excerpts are from various people who have departed from the 2×2 church:
Lies masqueraded as “Truth” played a big part
Being lied to about what is believed and is expected to be supported
Being lied to about the origins of the workers and meetings
Because of the coverups and the silence about William Irvine and the beginnings
Finding out there was no unbroken line “from the shores of Galilee”
Not being allowed to question or challenge doctrine
Being expected to quietly submit to teachings that are seriously in error
Obedience is mandatory–Not a free choice
Inadequate dealing with questions
Examples of fallacious reasoning
Lack of teaching for adults and especially for children
Lack of preaching/teaching emphasis on nature of sin
Lack of accurate teaching regarding prayer/natural things
Not being taught the truth about Jesus in meetings
Because there were just too many false and wrong interpretations of the scripture
Finally figured out that Jesus was ‘the Way’, not our little group
Realizing the doctrine that all others were going to hell was no longer credible
Withholding baptism and the emblems
Because it limited my relationship with God
Because of the conditions put on unconditional love
Lies spread about me
Getting fed up with being dismissively put down
Watching our son be kicked out of the group for asking questions
Couldn’t stand the abuse of my children and I any longer
Not being allowed to object to lies being told about one’s self or one’s family
Being told that one is no longer to participate
Being told that one is not saved (and similar words to that effect) and must submit and re-profess before being reviewed before taking part again
Lack of unity
Conformity required without scriptural basis
Abuse of authority by workers
Abuse of power by workers
Highly organized while claiming not to be an Organization
Required to be hypocrites
No accountability–no transparency
No real leadership
Lack of love
Lack of charitable works
Lack of converts
Presence of judgment and scorn
Secrecy regarding money
Presence of church buildings
Presence of EXTREME legalism
Incompetent advice
Idolization of the workers
Idolization of the “way”
Lack of knowledge regarding of Holy Spirit and His work
Misplaced emphasis on works
Doctrinal ambiguity
Misplaced emphasis on sacrifice/suffering
Presence of women preachers
Lack of spiritual food
Indifference to errors
Lack of joy
Seeing all the unhappy people while hearing how wonderful “the truth” and “the way” were
Presence of immorality
Workers committing sex offenses being moved to other fields by overseers who knew about it
Requirement of celibacy
Not allowing workers to marry (doctrine of demons)