Poetry Written by Ex-2x2s (Part 3)

What is truth?

Truth is defined as reality or fact
Nothing to change, no need to detract
Truth is how things actually are
Nothing to add to the repertoire.

Jesus, Himself, is the truth and the way
His mind, His will and His glory conveys
That truth encompasses all that He is
And the essence of grace and truth are His.

Truth isn’t something we speculate
It’s not a thing our own minds can create
Truth can be known by divine revelation
Passed through Jesus since the time of creation.

God is the one sole author and source
Of truth, He is the One to enforce
Truth is not our interpretation
We can’t create our own formulation.

Truth is not what we want it to be
It isn’t something with different degrees
Something cannot be both true and untrue
Truth is just truth all the way through.

Truth is absolute, total, complete
Without exception, it is concrete
Wherever we are, at home or abroad
All truth is found in the one true God.

Truth is unwavering, constant and fixed
With lies, impossible to be mixed
Truth is timeless, incapable of change
Truth never wanes, cannot be exchanged.

I’ll now refer to the secret sect who
Are known by many as the two by twos
A group with questionable administration
And members suffering with indoctrination.

Sending out workers, both women and men
claiming to follow Matthew Ten
But yet padding accounts with millions of dollars
While under the guise of biblical scholars.

Jesus said, “the truth will set you free”
So why do so many disagree?
Why do they choose the truth to conceal
When over and over it’s been revealed?

Why are their actions so aberrant?
Why can’t they simply be transparent?
Why must they heed their own direction?
Why can’t they do some self-reflection?

Why do they claim to be doing God’s will?
Claiming to pray to him, but still
Creating their guidelines, scripture ignored
Protecting themselves, dishonoring our Lord.

How can they purposefully evade
The blatant truth that’s before them laid
How can they lie for the world to see
While knowing their words will be on TV?

How can they twist the truth to a lie
While being questioned by the FBI?
How is the sect referred to as pure
While labelling survivors as obscure?

They have it backwards and reversed
They say the ministry was established first
Ministry first, before fellowship
As declared by those on a power trip.

How can they preach such a man-made facade
While claiming they gather their bread from God
Why do they think it’s through them we attain
Access to God when the veil was rent in twain.

For years I prayed that my God would reveal
What was man-made and what was real
And here we are, it’s so plain to see
No more confusion, I’ve been set free.

I want to worship my God the way that I should
Showing love to my neighbors and brotherhood
Looking to Jesus, the crucified
As my friend, my mentor and my guide.


When The Truth is not true and Friends are not friendly,
when those so called friends shun you and are judging you,
then the flock is more wolves than sheep.

Beware the conversation is needful.

When has a worker given lasting loving help when a person is in need?
When I cried for help, I was told that our God sees all and knows best.
I was also judged by a worker and told it is hard when kicking against the pricks.

Not one said, I want to be your friend
Not one said, May I listen and give you comfort.
Not one said, May I hold your hand and help you.
No, not one called when I stopped going to meetings—not one!

Who cares?

By Dellis Bone (used with permission)