Varaprasad, Daniel ~ India

Crisis in the Church! (India)

The workers are solely responsible for the sad state of affairs in the church in India.

Not taking action at the right time. The perpetrators became bold and built a strong coterie around them to defend them. Today the situation is so bad that everyone is trying to protect the other. The more you are trying to cover up the more it is exposed.

It is with pain and anguish I am writing this letter and I hope you will give urgent attention to set things right.

As you know the church is facing serious problems and friends are in a state of psychological trauma. I have started my journey more than 65 years ago. I saw workers sacrifice. They walked their talk. But today, sad to say, most of the workers do not know the meaning of sacrifice. To some it has become a profession. Some of the things that need serious attention:

1.Lack of trust
2.Lack of transparency
3.Lack of Honesty
4.Lack of truth
5.Lack of accountability
6.Legitimising illegitimacy

Lack of trust:
There is no trust between workers and friends. When the workers don’t trust the friends, they cannot expect friends to trust them. Workers have lost respect.

Lack of transparency:
There is absolutely no transparency in the organisation. To prove this point I will point out some facts. When workers leave the work or are sent out, no one is informed the reasons of leaving. Why did Jayaraj leave? Some workers say he is not able to continue because of his age. It is a lie. He left because he has witnessed some of the evil deeds of his companions and fellow workers.

No one knows whether this organisation is registered under the Societies Registration Act or Indian Trust Act. Every registered organisation has some bylaws. What are the bylaws? Who are the members if this is a society? And who are the beneficiaries if it is a trust?

Lack of Honesty:
Some of the workers are dishonest.

Lack of Truth:
Sad to say Truth is a big casualty in the hands of those that preach the truth.

Lack accountability:
If some worker does wrong or indulges in unethical ways, who takes action? Church is not the property of the workers. It belongs to friends and workers, and as such, every action is to be informed. Everyone should be taken into confidence. When some serious allegations are levelled against workers, workers alone cannot sit in judgement.

Illegitimacy is legitimised:
Knowing fully well there are a number of illegitimate relationships between the workers and workers, workers and some friends, workers and some outsiders, instead of reporting these matters to the competent authorities, you are trying to cover up. Especially when there are sexual abuse and child sexual abuse allegations against workers, they need to be reported to the competent authorities. Covering up in the name of forgiveness amounts to abetment to the crime. The greatest insult hurled at the church by the workers at the last convention was giving a part to David Jeyaraj in the convention. Not only that, but allowing him to take the meeting. What was the hurry? It shows your defiance. No respect for the sentiments of the church.

To my horror, I came to know that some of the workers are going to homes of friends and victims to shut them up from speaking regarding the issues and crimes.

How do you expect us to hear people who are unworthy standing in the name of God and speaking? “Be not deceived God is not mocked.”

Now it is time…Allan and Wayne, to prove your impartiality, to prove your credibility, to show that you are on the side of the truth. How can you investigate without meeting the friends and the victims. Why do you hold a closed door meeting with the alleged accused? Impartial investigation needs involvement of everyone. It should be open. In your country, everything comes into the open through BBC and other public media. Why is it different here?

In anticipation of a just and fair action,

Daniel Varaprasad
Hyderabad, India
March 11, 2024