Myers, Bruce & Jessica

Dear friends,

We want to let you know that we will no longer be having meetings in our home or attending the fellowship meetings. All of the abuse allegations, corruption, and coverups that have been revealed over the last 6 months prompted us to change our beliefs and compelled us to dig deeper for our own understanding. We have been praying, reading, meditating, and having open and honest conversations about topics we never would have had in the past. We feel that the shock of these revelations has opened our eyes to the fact that we are not in alignment with the leadership of this ministry and there are core things that we don’t foresee changing quickly enough, if ever. We have deep concerns about many things, primarily that God is bigger than any form and he works directly through and with all of us in love. Jesus’ commandments, above all, were to love

At this point, we feel called out of the fellowship for our own spiritual growth. We are not “losing our faith”. On the contrary, our faith in Jesus and His plan of salvation for all of us has never been stronger. The understanding we have gained of our freedom in Christ has caused our love, faith, and peace to grow exponentially. But the messages of exclusivity (the “One True Way”) and the emphasis of Jesus as our example vs Jesus as our Savior are two issues where we find ourselves at odds with this ministry.

Please know we love each of you. We know that each one is on their own journey through this difficult time our fellowship is experiencing. We want to maintain the friendships we have made and are more than happy to talk about all of this so please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Bruce and Jessica
Austin, Texas
October 26, 2023