The writings in this section relate to the history of the Two by Two Church and its founder, William Irvine.
This Church was started around the turn of the 20th century in Ireland by a Scotsman named William Irvine in Ireland. In 1904, many workers sailed to other parts of the English speaking world, and the church expanded. As one of their preachers (aka workers) stated: “Ireland is the only country where workers weren’t imported but rather exported!”
Many 2×2 church followers are not aware of how and when their Church really started. Many were taught and believe their ministry began when Jesus sent out His 12 disciples on “the shores of Galilee” in Matthew 10 in the first century. Many have never heard of and know nothing about William Irvine, the actual twentieth century founder.
Since information regarding the relatively short history of the 2×2 Church and facts surrounding its founder, William Irvine, have surfaced in books and on the internet, many followers have left Church and continue to do so.