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- A Heart-Broken Mother
- Anonymous Account #7
- Anonymous Account #9
- Brown, Lisa Lynne
- Brown, Michael
- Cooke, Bart “Bo”
- Cooke, David ~ Open Letter to the Ministry
- CSA: Queensland, Australia
- Erickson, Landon
- Ewing, Reva (Shenefelt) & Kevin
- Ginestar, Rebecca
- Honest thoughts on the CSA Crisis within the 2x2s
- Hope, Selkie
- Johnson, Jerilyn – CSA
- Knauss, Sara (Lacock)
- Knight, Martha (Nelson) – CSA
- Lennox, Donna (Hogdson)
- Magsam, Dawn
- Mohan, Chelsea
- Pamela Mestinsek
- Parents’ Letter to Scott Rauscher whose child was sexually assaulted
- RB: A Series of Essays by a CSA Survivor
- Ruth Prathibha
- Trapp, Julie (Paul)
- Two Sisters’ CSA
- Walton, Pamela
- Townsend, Leigh
- Survivor [Physical Child Abuse]
- Williston, Robert – CSA Mishandled
- William (Texas)
- Williston, Bob ~ Child Sexual Molestation
- Autrey, Sheri (VanDermyden)
- Townsend, Leigh
- Robert (Ireland)
- Strouse, Fern (Ex-worker)
- Sipe, Melissa (Galloway)
- McPhail, Judith (Barnes)
- Nicole’s Story
- Parish, Scott (re Rubin Mata)
- Reynolds, Marge (Calder)
- A Mother’s Remorse
- Kiser, Mike (Ex-worker) & Linda
- Lyndy
- Lowe, Desalie
- Griggs, Kent E., circa 1993
- Gray, Lisa (Hazelrigg)
- Carolus, Ted & Lynn
- Austin, Jean (Trotter)
- Anonymous Account #2
- Anonymous Account #3