Our Stories – Why We Left ~ Organized By Date
Why We Left Before 1980
- Johnson, David (Beaver)
- Milligan, Larry
- Arvig, Kay (Curtis) Downs
- West, Ida Testimony
- West, Sara Statement
- Russell, Vern C.
- Karlson, Ester, March 24, 1916
- Hanowell, Fred (Ex-worker)
Why We Left 1980-2000
- Bafus, Beverly (Salhus)
- Berry, Dorothy “Dot” (Moore) Berry
- Berry, G. R. (Ex-worker)
- Boler, Deborah (Hodgdon Lerwick)
- Bremer, Elizabeth (Englishbee)
- Brown, Van & Karen
- Carlson, Ian
- Coleman, Elizabeth
- Coolidge, Ken & Shiela
- Cooper, Lynn
- Curtin, Dan & Jan
- Davis, Wilma (Englishbee), March 2000
- Debbie
- Dennis, Sheila
- Divisions in Victoria, Australia ~
- Dolven, Christie, 1993
- Galloway, Don & Myrna
- Ginestar, Rebecca
- Griggs, Kent E., circa 1993
- Gunther, Sandi
- Hargreaves, Sharon (Ex-worker)
- Harvey, Dr. Gregg
- Heiser, Joetta (Swartz), June, 1993
- How to Write Your Life Story
- James, Barbara (Briza)
- Judd, Marie
- Kelly, John Frank
- Knott, Dale
- Kropp-Ehrig, Cherie (Berry)
- Kropp, Cherie (Berry) in the Media
- Lewis, Brenda (Smith)
- Lewis, Kathleen
- Luxon, Gene & Grace
- Lyndy
- Mansur, Darrell
- Martin, Sheila (De Jager) re: South Africa
- Mattison, Charles, (Ex-worker)
- McHenry, Rupert, Claude & Gordon Glen, Brothers
- Miller, Fred & Ruth, (Ex-worker)
- Mitchell, John & Shawna
- Reynolds, Marge (Calder)
- Ricter, Faye (Klingfus)
- Robert (Ireland)
- Roberts, Fred
- Schader, Margaret (Erickson)
- Stom, Jerry & Bette
- Strouse, Fern (Ex-worker)
- Swartz, Charles Edgar (Ex-worker)
- Tame, Linda (McCrae)
- Townsend, Leigh
- Townsend, Leigh
- Tramer, Sue (McDonald)
- Vandenberg, Les (Ex-worker)
- Wesenberg, Dale & Joyce
- White, Paul & Debbie
- William (Texas)
- Woodward, Bernitta (Bone)
Why We Left 2000-2020
- Account of the Vietnam Division
- Anonymous Account #1
- Anonymous Account #4
- Anonymous Account #5
- Armstrong, Lorraine
- Austin, Jean (Trotter)
- Autrey, Sheri (VanDermyden)
- B. W.
- Beaber, John
- Blubaugh, Steve
- Burrell, Rosalie (Millar)
- Cahill, Chris
- Carolus, Ted & Lynn
- Chambers, Alison (Pearson)
- Child Relinquishment through Dr. Wally Baldwin
- Child Sexual Abuse Concern Letter
- Cook, Dennis
- Cotten, Kodi
- Dave (Singapore)
- DenHerder, Darla – My Life in a Nutshell
- Emma, March 4, 2011
- Frost, Geoff & Joan
- Geary, Kathy
- George, Earl
- Gray, Lisa (Hazelrigg)
- Gremm, Nora
- Hammond, Carol (Staack)
- Heeringa, Donna, November 5, 2001
- Kennedy, Donna (Allen)
- Kinman, James and Tamara
- Kiser, Mike (Ex-worker) & Linda
- Magowan, Myer, Marg Myer (Ex-worker)
- Massey, Edgar (Ex-worker) & Family
- Massey, Ken
- McPhail, Judith (Barnes)
- Miller, Brandon
- Mitchell, Jano
- Nicole’s Story
- Parish, Glen (by Jeff Parish)
- Parish, Scott (re Rubin Mata)
- Peterson, Dale (aka Pianoman/Lazarus66)
- S_____ (anonymous), Chris (Brown)
- Sanderson, Neville
- Schoen, Laurie (Smith)
- Schroeder, Thomas V.
- Sipe, Melissa (Galloway)
- Smith, Ruth
- Speers, Verena
- Spinar, Mary Jane
- Survivor [Physical Child Abuse]
- Temple, Judy (Montgomery Bates)
- UKer 260702
- Van der Merwe, Andre
- Vogt, Margaret
- Watson, Paul & Celia
- Why I left and will never be back
- Wignell, Edel
- Williston, Bob ~ Child Sexual Molestation
- Williston, Robert (Bob)
Why We Left After 2020
- Ale, Karen (Boyd)
- Allen, Hod
- Benjamin, Lyle
- Bijzitter, Gerben (Netherlands)
- Boelter, Beth (Laswell)
- Brown, Lisa Lynne
- Brown, Michael
- Cooke, Bart “Bo”
- Coston, Todd & Cari
- Daize, Teena
- Don’t put a period where God puts a comma
- Garner, Shane
- Garner, Shane & Nikelle
- Hellevang, Mikaela (Kleeb)
- Klenk, Loren and Alissa
- Mohan, Chelsea
- Mulford, Berry
- Mulford, John
- Nienke (Netherlands)
- Pamela Mestinsek
- Pikcilingis, Ryan & Lucia~Story
- Printz, Fred
- Ransom, Marsha June (Linderman)
- Rowe, John & Jonath-Belgium
- Sprenger, Vanessa
- Taylor, Rachel ~ Letter by her Parents
- Taylor, Rachel ~ Letter that got her sacked from the ministry
- Teegarden, Tom
- Varaprasad, Daniel ~ India
- Warnes, Louise
- Wenzel, Thaise ~ Brasil/Brazil
- Wojcik, Rick & Sara (Sally)