Exit Letters After 2020
- Alcorn, Wendy
- Anonymous Account #6
- Ausenhus, Shaun & Lori
- Aylesworth, Joe & Diana
- Barth, Kerry & Jen
- Boring, Marie (Willbur)
- Bowman, John (Ex-Brother Worker)
- C and E ~ Exit Letter
- Cobb, Phil & Mindy, Blythe & family
- Coston, Todd & Cari
- Daku, Hartley & Marianne
- Denherder, Heidi (Foster)
- Doucette-Dickson, Denise
- Durkee, Shaun & Emily
- Ewing, Reva (Shenefelt) & Kevin
- Ford, Jennifer
- Ford, Michael & Lilly
- Forza, Derek & Malia
- Garner, Dave & Kristi
- Graves, Brad & Kelly
- Hamon, Dennis & Rebekah (Johnson)
- Henderson, Amber
- How would you respond?
- James, Dallas & Deena
- Kember, Julia
- Klenk, Loren and Alissa
- Kofoed, Kyle & Amy
- Layden, Merle & Georgina
- Lindsay, Reid & Beth
- Mascorro, Allison (McCullough)
- McCormick, Doug & Anita
- McIntyre, Meredith
- Mohan, Hemlata and P.
- Mosman, Derick & Crystal (Sandford)
- Murdoch, Bruce
- Myers, Bruce & Jessica
- Nurse
- Olson, Gordon & Megan
- Paddon, Jack & Nan
- Patterson, Dean & Kris
- Pikcilingis, Ryan & Lucia~Exit Letter
- Rebaptism ~ My Journey of Healing
- Ruth Prathibha
- Shires, Michael & Anita ~ India
- Singleton, Russell, Lesa, Lora & Jeffrey
- Snyder, Jared
- Stolz, Kelsey (Simpson)
- Sumner, Will
- Topinka, Becky (Harlan)
- Wojcik, Rick & Sara (Sally)
- Young, Belinda
- Zal, Daniel
Exit Letters 2000-2020
- Duncan, Mike & Heidi
- Ford, Jack
- Gray, Lisa (Hazelrigg) Exit Letter
- Gulbrandson, Julia (Steinbrecher)
- H.A.S.
- Jaramillo, Corrine
- Magowan, Myer, Marg Myer (Ex-worker)
- Mendis, Dr. Mahim
- Mendis, Manique
- Parish, Scott
- S_____ (anonymous), Stan
- Schell, Wendy
- Warnes, Louise
- Wells, Sharon
Exit Letters 1980-2000
- Abenroth, Paul & Diane
- Andrews, Phil
- Curtin, Dan & Jan
- Daniel, Bob and Joan
- Dolven, Noel & Christie
- Dudley, Sam & Jean
- Ginestar, Rebecca (Ginestar) Novello
- Jacobsen, Connie
- Kamp, Corrine & Fred
- Knott, Carla (Potter)
- Kropp, Cherie (Berry)
- Lewis, Don & Kathy
- Luxon, Gene & Grace
- Madrigal, Jesse & Ilene
- Martin, Sheila (De Jager)
- McConnell, Charles & Susie
- Medich, Rose
- Olson, Dwayne & Bobbie
- Oxenbridge, Rob
- Prottsma, Steve, Martha & Kayla (aka Zorro)
- Schmidt, Geoff & Esther
- Schmidt, Mervyn
- Simons, Bill & Sammie
- Spiller, Phebe
- Strouse, Fern (Ex-worker)
Exit Letters Before 1980