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- “Two by Two” – Origin of this Name
- A Different Way
- A Heart-Broken Mother
- About the Holy Spirit…
- Abuse of Young Workers
- Abuse of Younger Workers
- Alcorn, Wendy
- Ale, Karen (Boyd)
- Allen, Hod
- Analysis of the Prevalence of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) by Workers
- And You’re Surprised??!!
- Anonymous Account #6
- Anonymous Account #7
- Ausenhus, Shaun & Lori
- Aylesworth, Joe & Diana
- Barth, Kerry & Jen
- Benjamin, Lyle
- Bijzitter, Gerben (Netherlands)
- Blessed are those who mourn…
- Boelter, Beth (Laswell)
- Book Reviews
- Books about the 2×2 Church
- Boring, Marie (Willbur)
- Bowman, John (Ex-Brother Worker)
- Brought up in a cult…
- Brown, Lisa Lynne
- Brown, Michael
- C and E ~ Exit Letter
- Child Relinquishment through Dr. Wally Baldwin
- Chronology of Jesus’ Public Ministry
- Classes of Saints
- Cobb, Phil & Mindy, Blythe & family
- Coleman, Elizabeth
- Cooke, Bart “Bo”
- Cooke, David ~ Open Letter to the Ministry
- Coston, Todd & Cari
- Created for Commitment
- CSA: Queensland, Australia
- Daize, Teena
- Daku, Hartley & Marianne
- Daniel, Kevin N.
- Denherder, Heidi (Foster)
- Didsbury, Alberta Canada Conv. Grounds Ownership Change
- Don’t put a period where God puts a comma
- Doucette-Dickson, Denise
- Durkee, Shaun & Emily
- Erickson, Landon
- Ewing, Reva (Shenefelt) & Kevin
- Exchange with Ohio Workers 2018
- Fear of the Lord
- Fear: Choose not to be led by fear
- Fendler, Kenneth
- Few There Be…The Narrow Way
- Ford, Jennifer
- Ford, Michael
- Ford, Michael & Lilly
- Forza, Derek & Malia
- Galloway, Don & Myrna
- Garner, Dave & Kristi
- Garner, Shane
- Garner, Shane & Nikelle
- George, Earl
- Ginestar, Rebecca
- God of Variety
- God’s Gift of Divorce and Remarriage
- Graves, Brad & Kelly
- Hamon, Dennis & Rebekah (Johnson)
- Harvey, Dr. Gregg
- Healthy and Unhealthy Organizations
- Hellevang, Mikaela (Kleeb)
- Henderson, Amber
- Hermosa, S. Dakota Convention Grounds
- Holy Spirit…or Peer Pressure?
- Honest thoughts on the CSA Crisis within the 2x2s
- Hope, Selkie
- How would you respond?
- How You Can Be Saved!
- Is Transformation Possible?
- Jackson, MS Convention Sale
- James, Dallas & Deena
- Jesus as “The Example”
- Jesus Didn’t Ask…
- John Mitchell’s Startling Discovery
- Johnson, David (Beaver)
- Johnson, Jerilyn – CSA
- Kember, Julia
- Kinman, James and Tamara
- Klenk, Loren and Alissa
- Knauss, Sara (Lacock)
- Knight, Martha (Nelson) – CSA
- Kofoed, Kyle & Amy
- Kropp, Cherie (Berry) in the Media
- Layden, Merle & Georgina
- Leaving or Left?
- Lennox, Donna (Hogdson)
- Lindsay, Reid & Beth
- Magsam, Dawn
- Maria Morrisroe ~ Ex-Sister Worker
- Mascorro, Allison (McCullough)
- McCormick, Doug & Anita
- McIntyre, Meredith
- Meaning of “Fellowship”
- Milligan, Larry
- Ministry of Reconciliation
- Mitchell, John & Shawna
- Mohan, Chelsea
- Mohan, Hemlata and P.
- Mosman, Derick & Crystal (Sandford)
- Mulford, Berry
- Mulford, John
- Murdoch, Bruce
- My Questions to Workers ~ I just want what is right, 2020
- Myers, Bruce & Jessica
- Nienke (Netherlands)
- Normalization of Risk
- Nurse
- Olson, Dwayne & Bobbie
- Olson, Gordon & Megan
- Out of ‘The Room’
- Paddon, Jack & Nan
- Pamela Mestinsek
- Parents’ Letter to Scott Rauscher whose child was sexually assaulted
- Parish, Glen (by Jeff Parish)
- Patterson, Dean & Kris
- Paul Abenroth ~ CSA, 2023
- Pikcilingis, Ryan & Lucia~Exit Letter
- Pikcilingis, Ryan & Lucia~Story
- Poetry Written by Ex-2x2s (Part 3)
- Printz, Fred
- Prioritizing the Messenger and Method above the Message
- Protect the Children…Stop the Abuse!
- Public Letter to ALL Overseers Worldwide
- Ransom, Marsha June (Linderman)
- RB: A Series of Essays by a CSA Survivor
- Rebaptism ~ My Journey of Healing
- Red Letters Trump All!
- Relationship between Jesus and God
- Response to George Peterson
- Riggs, Joel ~ “WORDS ONLY!”
- Rigsdale, Co. Cork, Ireland Convention
- Role of Women in the Church
- Rowe, John & Jonath-Belgium
- Rules of Bible Interpretation
- Ruth Prathibha
- Sacrifice according to the Workers
- Shires, Michael & Anita ~ India
- Simmons, Mark
- Sin Lists in New Testament
- Singleton, Russell, Lesa, Lora & Jeffrey
- Snyder, Jared
- Spinar, Mary Jane
- Stolz, Kelsey (Simpson)
- Sumner, Will
- Sweat, James #1 – 40 Questions
- Sweat, James #2 – Follow up
- Take the Land and Possess It
- Taylor, Rachel (Ex-worker)
- Taylor, Rachel ~ Letter by her Parents
- Taylor, Rachel ~ Letter that got her sacked from the ministry
- The quiet kids. The good kids. The rule keepers.
- The Rod of Correction
- The Six-Holer Toilet
- The Way is Perfect ~ the People are Not
- TheFellowshipofTruth website ~ the official Two-by-Two site?
- Things to ponder about the 2×2 ministry…
- Thought Reform
- Three on Three
- Time to be transparent…
- Tips for Picking a Church
- Topinka, Becky (Harlan)
- Two by Two Handbook
- Two Sisters’ CSA
- Understanding Beliefs
- Vanity and Vexation of Spirit
- Varaprasad, Daniel ~ India
- Victims’ Letters to Leslie White
- Walton, Pamela
- Warnes, Louise
- We have a new identity.
- Wenzel, Thaise ~ Brasil/Brazil
- What are they saying about the books about the 2×2 Church?
- What if . . .
- What is Christianity all about?
- What is Sin? Could Jesus Sin?
- What, after all, is Apollos?
- Why I left and will never be back
- Why the F&W Fellowship Struggles to Change for the Good
- Wojcik, Rick & Sara (Sally)
- Woodward, Bernitta (Bone)
- Young, Belinda
- Zal, Daniel
- Zoom Presentation: “Preserving the Truth”
- Mansur, Darrell
- Synopsis of The Secret Sect
- Sprenger, Vanessa
- Aspects of a Genuine Apology
- Ford, Jack
- Workers’ Doctrine – What They Believe
- Calvinism, Freemasonry, Fundamentalism, Evangelicalism, Eschatology, etc.
- Is It True? Let’s See…
- Church Without a Name, The ~ Table of Contents & Preface
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 1)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 2)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 3)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 4)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 5)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 6)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 7)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 8)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 9)
- Church Without a Name, The (Chapter 10)
- Before You Ask #1 ~ Unanswered Questions
- Before You Ask #2 ~ Avoiding the Hazards of Ambiguity and Vagueness
- Before You Ask #3 ~ Equivocation
- Before You Ask #4 ~ Diversion Tactics
- Before You Ask #5 ~ Comparisons, Analogies, Allegories
- Before You Ask #6 ~ 2×2 Analogies
- Before You Ask #7 ~ Ad Hominem: Verbally Abusive Personal Attacks
- Before You Ask #8 ~ Appeal to Revelation ~ The God Card
- Teegarden, Tom
- Books by 2×2 Authors
- So What?
- Best/Worst Things about Leaving
- Mind Control ~ Meaning and Significance
- Poetry about Women’s Issues
- Martin, Sheila (De Jager) re: South Africa
- Rejoicing by Sheila Martin
- Warnes, Louise
- Townsend, Leigh
- How to Write Your Life Story
- Arvig, Kay (Curtis) Downs
- Jacobsen, Connie
- Cooper, Lynn
- Apostles’ Doctrine and Fellowship, The
- Who Said William Irvine was the Founder?
- DenHerder, Darla – My Life in a Nutshell
- Poems Using Hymn Tunes
- Motto of Ex-2×2 Groups
- Websites about the 2×2 Church
- Crane, Willis (worker)
- Daniel, Bob and Joan
- Divisions in Victoria, Australia ~
- Survivor [Physical Child Abuse]
- Stom, Jerry & Bette
- Open Letter to the People in the Way
- Letters to Irish Newspaper Editor
- Summer 1997 Letter to the Friends
- McHenry Brothers’ Letters
- Alaska Situation Summary
- Am I saved?
- Women’s Adornment and Hair
- Books Recommended (Revised Oct 30, 2024)
- Two by Two’s Immigration to Canada
- Christian Ministries and Pastors
- Certainty of the Unexpected, The
- Two by Two ~ The Shape of a Shapeless Movement:
- Does God have only one right/true church?
- What does “born again” mean?
- Was William Irvine a True Prophet of God?
- How to Identify a Follower of the 2×2 Church?
- Domestic Controls in the Work
- Gate Seldom Found, The
- So You Don’t Want to go to Church Anymore? An unexpected journey
- Bible Studies
- Divorce, Remarriage & “putting away” by Dr. Stephen E. Jones
- Secret Mormonism and Christian Science
- Church With No Name, The: Known as the Cooneyites, Two by Twos…
- Church Without a Name, The (Why Written)
- No-Name Fellowship, The
- In Vain They Do Worship
- Account by John Long
- Preserving the Truth: The Church without a Name and its Founder, William Irvine
- Pilgrim Church, The ~ by E. H. Broadbent
- 12 Steps Out of Darkness
- Spiritual Abuse in the Two by Two Church
- Questioning: Is It Wrong to Question?
- What to say to someone thinking of becoming a 2×2?
- Questioning: Why You SHOULD Ask Questions
- Was William Irvine the Founder?
- Who Was William Irvine?
- Letter No. 1 by Joseph “Joe” Kerr (Ex-worker)
- Living Witness Doctrine
- Married Worker Couples
- Letters by William Irvine, 1919–1947
- Ed Cooney to Alice Flett
- Ed Cooney to “My Dear Sister”
- Letter No. 2 by Joseph “Joe” Kerr (Ex-worker)
- Changes in the First Decade of the 2×2 Church
- Court Cases Involving Early Workers
- Did Wm Irvine’s Sister Introduce Him to Meetings?
- Exposing the Hidden History of the 2×2 Church
- Chronological Account of the 2×2 Church History
- West, Ida Testimony
- Account by Alfred Magowan
- West, Sara Statement
- Faith Mission Convention
- Online Books, Publications about 2x2s
- Account by Fred Wood
- Narrative by Edward Cooney, 1947
- Account by Goodhand Pattison
- Emotional and Spiritual Abuse
- Newspaper Articles about 2x2s
- Cycles in Leaving Meetings
- Poetry Written by Ex-2x2s (Part 1)
- Poetry Written by Ex-2x2s (Part 2)
- Twas the Night Before Christmas
- Black Stockings by Dot Berry
- Black Stockings by Tom Schroeder
- Black Stockings by Marti Knight
- Why I Decided to Cut my Hair
- Women’s Appearance by Kay Arvig Downs
- Would you…?
- What Can You Do??
- What is Truth?
- What Satan Really Wants…
- What Some 2x2s Say about Outside Christians, Pastors, Churches
- What 2x2s say & Ex-2x2s say
- 55 Fears That Control Professing People
- Tracts by RIS
- Rules of 2×2 Church
- Rules for Canadian 2x2s prior to 1960
- Feeling Shame and Guilt
- Should the Friends and Workers Maintain a Record of Their History?
- Some Reasons Why We Left…
- Spiritual Abuse, Addiction and Fanaticism
- Spiritual Abuse ~ What is it?
- The Way is Perfect. Really?
- Vigilant Listening:
- We Were Taught….YET the truth is…
- We’re Sick of…
- Overview of 2×2 Organisation
- Sunday School Class Presentation
- Protocol for Workers by Ex-Worker, Ex-2×2
- The Restoration Ideal
- Have You Ever Wondered?
- It Hurts
- Reason Enough…If the denominations do it, we don’t.
- Is the 2×2 Church Unique?
- I Was Wrong…
- Excommunication & Restoration
- Fact Sheet about the Church without a Name
- Five Aspects of Mind Control
- For Skeptics…
- 12 Steps to Sanity
- Christmas Trees Origins
- Corrupt Leadership
- Women Professing Godliness
- Alan Vandermyden’s Exchange with Mary
- Relative of Worker Max Bumpus
- Divorce & Remarriage Letter ~
- Eldon Tenniswood’s Reply to an Offer for the Work
- Jim Vail’s Exchange with Workers
- Melissa (Galloway) Sipes to Dad
- Letter by Katherine (Kay) Downs
- Open Letter to Friends in Victoria and Tasmania
- John to Head Worker
- Kropp, Cherie – Report of Visit from Harry Brownlee
- Kropp, Cherie (Berry) to Harry Brownlee
- Berry, Dot to Irving Ross, January 14, 1998
- Letter to My Parents by Mandy, 2011
- Senkyoshi
- Kropp, Cherie (Berry) to Worker Martin Hnizdill
- Abenroth, Paul ~ Letter (Ex-worker, Ex-2×2)
- Oh, Please Teach Them the Truth
- Ex-2×2 Open Letter to Workers
- Description of an Un-convention, February 1, 1996
- Doctrine Comparison
- Obey Them That Rule Over You?
- Worship Study
- Swartz, Charles Edgar (Ex-worker)
- Is the 2×2 Fellowship Really the Closest Way to the New Testament Church and Ministry?
- Who is the Holy Spirit?
- Why Didn’t They Realize Jesus was Messiah? ~ “He Who Comes”
- Difference in Rewards and Salvation
- Grace ~ A Revelation
- Worship, What Is It?
- Doctrine: What is Your Doctrine?
- Grace: “By Grace Through Faith”
- Grace and Works
- Works ~ What are They?
- Rulers or Feeders?
- Shepherd, Sheep & Hirelings
- Teach Me Submission
- What the Bible Teaches ~ What the Workers Preach
- Books: Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage
- Money and the Myth
- Raise the Standard
- Hymns Old and New
- Free from Sin and Its Bondage
- What Must I Do to Be Saved?
- How Close Do the Workers Follow Jesus’s Instructions to the Disciples in Matthew 10?
- Are the Workers Apostles?
- Assurance of Salvation…
- But now … What did Jesus mean?
- Did the Church Have No Name?
- Divorce, the Law and Jesus By Walter L. Callison
- Parable of the Great Ship of Truth
- Original Painting Analogy
- Truth Shop Analogy
- Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich Analogy
- Pearl of Great Price Analogy
- Perfect Car Analogy
- Running Club Analogy
- Wheat Seed Analogy
- White Envelopes Analogy
- Bubble Analogy
- Busted Trust Analogy
- Chrysler Corporation Analogy
- Finding Out about William Irvine (Analogy)
- Fishless Fishermen Parable
- Jacobsen, Dennis (Ex-worker)
- UKer 260702
- Van der Merwe, Andre
- Account of the Vietnam Division
- Wesenberg, Dale & Joyce
- Vogt, Margaret
- White, Paul & Debbie
- Wignell, Edel
- Watson, Paul & Celia
- Williston, Robert (Bob)
- Smith, Ruth
- Tame, Linda (McCrae)
- Speers, Verena
- Temple, Judy (Montgomery Bates)
- Tramer, Sue (McDonald)
- Gremm, Nora
- Gunther, Sandi
- Schader, Margaret (Erickson)
- Cotten, Kodi
- S_____ (anonymous), Chris (Brown)
- Cook, Dennis
- Frost, Geoff & Joan
- Kropp-Ehrig, Cherie (Berry)
- Vandenberg, Les (Ex-worker)
- B. W.
- Writing about Child Sexual Abuse
- Williston, Robert – CSA Mishandled
- William (Texas)
- Williston, Bob ~ Child Sexual Molestation
- Autrey, Sheri (VanDermyden)
- Townsend, Leigh
- Robert (Ireland)
- Strouse, Fern (Ex-worker)
- Sipe, Melissa (Galloway)
- Mattison, Charles, (Ex-worker)
- McPhail, Judith (Barnes)
- Nicole’s Story
- Parish, Scott (re Rubin Mata)
- Mendis, Dr. Mahim
- Schmidt, Geoff & Esther
- Martin, Sheila (De Jager)
- Russell, Vern C.
- Roberts, Fred
- Sanderson, Neville
- Schoen, Laurie (Smith)
- Schroeder, Thomas V.
- Reynolds, Marge (Calder)
- Parker, Doug ~ Transcript Part 1
- Ricter, Faye (Klingfus)
- Massey, Edgar (Ex-worker) & Family
- Massey, Ken
- McHenry, Rupert, Claude & Gordon Glen, Brothers
- Miller, Brandon
- Mitchell, Jano
- A Mother’s Remorse
- Kiser, Mike (Ex-worker) & Linda
- Boler, Deborah (Hodgdon Lerwick)
- Lewis, Brenda (Smith)
- Lewis, Kathleen
- Lyndy
- Lowe, Desalie
- Magowan, Myer, Marg Myer (Ex-worker)
- James, Barbara (Briza)
- Judd, Marie
- Griggs, Kent E., circa 1993
- Karlson, Ester, March 24, 1916
- Kelly, John Frank
- Kennedy, Donna (Allen)
- Gardner, Dale to Workers
- Geary, Kathy
- Gray, Lisa (Hazelrigg)
- Emma, March 4, 2011
- Hammond, Carol (Staack)
- Hanowell, Fred (Ex-worker)
- Hargreaves, Sharon (Ex-worker)
- Heeringa, Donna, November 5, 2001
- Heiser, Joetta (Swartz), June, 1993
- Child Sexual Abuse Concern Letter
- Dave (Singapore)
- Debbie
- Dennis, Sheila
- Davis, Wilma (Englishbee), March 2000
- Carlson, Ian
- Carolus, Ted & Lynn
- Chambers, Alison (Pearson)
- Berry, Dorothy “Dot” (Moore) Berry
- Berry, G. R. (Ex-worker)
- Bone Family ~ Gilroy CA
- Cahill, Chris
- Anonymous Account #5
- Austin, Jean (Trotter)
- Beaber, John
- Bafus, Beverly (Salhus)
- Anonymous Account #1
- Anonymous Account #2
- Anonymous Account #3
- Anonymous Account #4
- Exit Process, The
- Parish, Scott
- Armstrong, Lorraine
- Bremer, Elizabeth (Englishbee)
- Brown, Van & Karen
- Burrell, Rosalie (Millar)
- Peterson, Dale (aka Pianoman/Lazarus66)
- Blubaugh, Steve
- Derkland, Ralph ~ Letter No. 2, September 5, 1957
- Wells, Sharon
- Weymouth, Hilda M.
- Simons, Bill & Sammie
- Schmidt, Mervyn
- Singleton, A & H & Family
- Spiller, Phebe
- Schell, Wendy
- S_____ (anonymous), Stan
- Rittenhouse, Walter & William Sweetland
- Prottsma, Steve, Martha & Kayla (aka Zorro)
- Oxenbridge, Rob
- Miller, Fred & Ruth, (Ex-worker)
- Mendis, Manique
- Miller, Fred & Ruth, (Ex-worker)
- Derkland, Ralph ~ Letter No. 1, circa 1956
- Madrigal, Jesse & Ilene
- Medich, Rose
- McConnell, Charles & Susie
- Luxon, Gene & Grace
- Kropp, Cherie (Berry)
- Jaramillo, Corrine
- Kamp, Corrine & Fred
- Knott, Carla (Potter)
- H.A.S.
- Gulbrandson, Julia (Steinbrecher)
- Gray, Lisa (Hazelrigg) Exit Letter
- Ginestar, Rebecca (Ginestar) Novello
- Erickson, Frank, Edith & Margaret, July 13, 1958
- Dudley, Sam & Jean
- Dolven, Noel & Christie
- Duncan, Mike & Heidi
- Dolven, Christie, 1993
- Curtin, Dan & Jan
- Andrews, Phil
- Arvig, Ted & Kay
- Knott, Dale
- Coolidge, Ken & Shiela
- Abenroth, Paul & Diane
- Lewis, Don & Kathy